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Alwoodley Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Stronger.

Personal, Social, Health, & Economic Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Our vision is that children will be able to take risks in their learning but know how to stay safe at home and in the community.


PSHE is challenging, motivating, practical and interactive. In our diverse society, children need to develop an understanding of themselves, others and their community and how we can work together in harmony. They also need to know how to maintain healthy lifestyles and relationships with others. PSHE plays an integral role in children exploring these things and helps to prepare them for the community that they live in now and in the future.


At Alwoodley Primary School, we have chosen the Jigsaw Scheme of work where there is a strong emphasis on developing emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. The Jigsaw Scheme holds children and its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. We aim to make children’s learning in PSHE relevant, practical, creative, exciting and engaging whilst carefully weaving our Alwoodley Golden Threads through the curriculum.  


Golden Thread 1- Cognitive education-will be promoted through the mindfulness section of each lesson which allowi children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation. The children will learn to enquire, reflect, analyse and create links.


Golden Thread 2- a love of reading- will be developed through displaying PSHE vocabulary around the classroom, introducing new terms and using a variety of texts closely linked to the topics.


Golden Thread 3 -personal development- is a core element of PSHE and underpins all aspects of life at Alwoodley Primary School. PSHE helps the children to develop a sound knowledge and understanding about themselves, others and their community and enables pupils to flourish so that achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they need throughout their later life.  


Through the Jigsaw Schemes progressive, spiral and age-appropriate approach we will ensure children are prepared for each stage of their education, including secondary school, and they will learn and practise skills that they can use throughout their whole lives in future friendships and relationships, careers and hobbies. Throughout our curriculum, school environment and school ethos we aim to:

• Promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional wellbeing, helping them to form positive relationships based on a respect for themselves and others.

• Promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and wellbeing of pupils in school and in society.

• Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life; including work.

• Develop key concepts, skills, strategies and understanding that enable pupils to make positive lifestyle choices and take responsibilities for their own actions now and in their future.

• Reduce stigma attached to health issues, in particular those to do with mental wellbeing.

• Identify and support vulnerable and SEND pupils and promote safeguarding.

• To promote pupils’ self-control and ability to self-regulate, and strategies for doing so.

• To teach children the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships.



At Alwoodley we follow the Jiogsaw 3-11 schemes for learning. Jigsaw 3-11 offers a comprehensive programme for Primary PSHE, including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work. It provides children with relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.


Jigsaw covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase including statutory Relationships and Health Education. The table below give the learning themes of each of the six Puzzles (units) and these are taught across the school; the learning deepens and broadens every year.



We use a range of strategies to assess what skills and knowledge the children have attained each term including the following:

  • Book looks

  • Pupil Voice

  • Pre and post assessment

  • Regular feedback each lesson

  • A well maintained benchmarking folder.


Long Term Plan 2024 - 25. See how our intent is implemented across the school.



Healthy School's Award 2023



SRE Policy 2024/5


If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.