Home Learning
Online Learning Journey
In Nursery we use an online journal called 'Tapestry' through which we share videos and pictures of your child throughout their time with us. We will keep you updated on activities we have done, things your child has enjoyed and share some 'wow' moments of learning. We will also ask you to send us pictures of activities your child has enjoyed out of school which we will encourage them to talk about and share with their friends. We will also ask for pictures of things from home such as your child's favourite toy or information about family celebrations you have had which will help support your child's involvement in activities in Nursery.
Please see the documents below with information about how to access Tapestry so you can receive and send observations to school.
In Nursery we focus on phonological awareness and phonemic awareness.
Our phonics scheme ensures that provision is in place to ensure children are well prepared to begin reading and writing at the start of Reception.
One of the most important aspects of phonics in Nursery is developing an awareness of sound, through activities that develop focused listening and attention, including oral blending.
Oral segmenting is the process of breaking down words into phonemes (the smallest units of sound).
Oral blending is the process of saying these sounds then blending them together into a word. It helps children identify and hear phonemes in words and blend them together to read a word. It is important that children have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling oral blending and joining in with oral blending activities before they are introduced to grapheme–phoneme correspondence. This ensures they are ‘tuned into’ sounds when they begin Phase 2 in Reception.