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Alwoodley Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Stronger.




If your child is absent, please telephone our attendance line as soon as possible - ideally before 9am on the first day of absence (and each subsequent day of absence) on 0113 268 6104.

Planned absences in term time will only be approved by the Head teacher in exceptional circumstances.  

If for any reason your child is absent in the morning but is returning to school after the registers have closed, they must be signed in at the office by their parent or carer. They can then join their classes for the remainder of the day.



NHS Link - Is My Child Too Ill for School?


If your child is unwell we would encourage them to remain at home until they are fully fit.  If your child has improved by lunchtime we would welcome that child coming into school at 1pm for afternoon registration.

If your child is ill whilst at school, we will contact you by telephone and children will be cared for until you arrive. Please ensure that we have two primary contacts in case your child becomes ill in school and also in case of emergency.  Minor accidents i.e. cut and grazes, are dealt with in school and you will receive an email notification from medical tracker to make you aware of the incident.

If your child either vomits or has diarrhoea they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode.  


Parents are asked to book medical/dental appointments outside of school hours where possible. The formal end of the school day is 3:10pm providing adequate time for medical/dental appointments after this time. If this is not possible, parents are asked to notify school before the appointment so that the attendance register can be amended to show why the child is not in school and to provide a copy of the medical/dental appointment letter.


Alwoodley Primary School is committed to reducing the number of holidays that take place in term time.  For any absence that is planned School must be notified in advance and a Leave of Absence form must be completed this is found on the parent tab of the website under online forms section. This form is then reviewed by the Headteacher and the absence will be authorised or not. Holidays in term time will not be authorised.