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Alwoodley Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Stronger.

PE and Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium

Our vision is to provide high quality physical education and school sport through personal challenge and competition that will lead to life-long participation.


We aim to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport; encouraging them to be life-long advocates for physical activity. Through high quality physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best and enjoy their P.E lessons. 


We support all children to develop knowledge and understanding in the following key areas:

  • Physical
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Thinking


Our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond.


Our intent is that the golden threads of Alwoodley are woven through the physical education curriculum and that over time these will provide our students with the experiences and skills that will enable them to deploy their knowledge in the next stages of their education. 


Golden thread one: Cognitive education – Through the ‘Thinking’ Key Skill of the ‘whole child’ approach, children will create, evaluate, predict and problem solve becoming effective critical thinkers. 


Golden thread two: Reading – Teachers have carefully planned sport and physical activity texts within their 'diet of reading' which have cross curricular links to p.e and science. Children will be directed to books, authors and recommended reads that link and inspire our students to instill a love of reading and a passion of sport and physical activity in the wider world.


Golden thread three: Personal Development – It is our intent that in every PE lesson, we focus on the ‘whole child’ where we make links to the social and emotional aspects of the learner.


“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.” (The National Curriculum)


The aims of the national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

    • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
    • are physically active for sustained periods of time
    • engage in competitive sports and activities
    • lead healthy, active lives.





P.E lessons are timetabled with hall and outdoor space 2 times per week, as we know movement is essential for brain development and well-being. Lessons are planned and taught through the scheme ‘Get Set 4 P.E’ taught by class teachers and fundamental movement based lessons taught by Foot-tech specialists. This supports learners to develop conceptual knowledge through a clear progression of skills. This long-term plan was revised in February 2024 to integrate Foot-tech physical education specialists into this sequence of learning.


Topics have been carefully planned to allow our children to develop and master their knowledge and movements ready to apply this to games and sport specific scenarios. It is essential children master their conceptual knowledge before applying disciplinary knowledge to games in competitive environments. We want children to understand that to develop automaticity they must have mastered their fundamentals and have the confidence to apply these to a range of different game based scenarios. Lessons are adapted using the STEP framework to provide equal access to all pupils. 


Swimming and water safety is taught in Year 4 during Autumn and Spring Term and is reported on within the sport premium document. Those children who have not successfully completed their 25m using a range of strokes will receive further lessons to support them to achieve this within summer term. 



We want our children to enjoy their physical education lessons and have fun! Children will have the opportunity to master a skill with a variety of equipment and in a range of scenarios. They will revise and revisit this skill and apply it to new games across the curriculum. All children are able to be successful as our curriculum supports children to practise their fundamental movement skills alongside learning specific sports so they are ready for ks3 and beyond. 


Pupils will be confident to try new things and take risks. They will be able to make quick decisions and choices when planning tasks or performances. They will have a range of strategies for solving problems and show resilience to keep going when they find things difficult. They will have the confidence to lead and support others. 


We use a range of strategies to assess what skills and knowledge the children have attained each term including the following:

  • Videos and photos of lessons
  • Formative assessment and questioning within the lesson
  • Pupil Voice 
  • Teacher assessment 


We offer a wide range of extra curricular clubs and use our sport premium funding to target SEND, pupil premium, girls, inactive children and our greater depth. We gather information about what extra curricular clubs our children attend in order to carefully plan and tailor our sporting offer towards them. Please see our 22-23 sport premium document for our next steps.



Primary National Curriuclum - Physical Education

SMSC in Physical Education

Physical Education Policy

Sports Premium


Sport Premium is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools to increase the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, and increase participation in PE and sport. 


At Alwoodley Primary School the PE Leader has the responsibility for developing PE and Sport and deciding upon the effective use of Sport Premium Funding. Our school already has an excellent reputation for Sport and P.E. and we are proud of all of our sporting achievements. We welcome the additional funding, which will further enhance our provision and provide additional opportunities for increased participation.



Local Partnerships

Working in partnership to make PE and sports a thoroughly memorable and meaningful experience for all of our pupils.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.