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Alwoodley Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Stronger.

Extra-Curricular School Clubs

Extra-curricular activities boost young people's confidence to interact socially with others; extend their social networks; and provide them with new skills and abilities. Above all, they offer an important space to have fun and relax away from the pressures of school work.  At Alwoodley Primary School we offer a range of clubs throughout the academic year and make sure that these are aimed at a range of age groups. Some of these are delivered by our staff whilst others are delivered by specialist companies that we source carefully.  Information about these clubs will be emailed out as they are introduced throughout the year.  



Our extra curricular intent.

We have planned clubs with external partners to match the needs of our learners. In KS1, which includes children aged 5 to 7, the focus in on developing fundamental movement skills and basic coordination. At this stage, children are in the early stages of physical development, and the emphasis is on laying a foundation for more complex activities later on. The goal is to help children build fundamental motor skills and social skills (including developing Habits of Mind).

In KS2, which includes children aged 7-11, pupils have typically developed more advanced motor skills and coordination.  At this stage, there is often a transition towards more structured sports activities.  Children may be introduced to specific sports and games, learning the rules and strategies associated with each







At Alwoodley, we are lucky enough to have a number of dedicated staff who offer to run clubs, free of charge, in their own time.  These include: Geography Club, Choir, Drawing Club,

and Spanish Club.  These do change over the year and run for a minimum of 7 weeks.  Prior to these starting, the office will send out an expression of interest form. Once these have been received, places will be allocated. A number of these places will be reserved for those pupils who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding.  It is important you commit to the duration of the club as these are very popular and places are limited.



Alwoodley Wombles meet each Friday. They role is to look after our grounds and prepare resources for OPAL playtimes. Jobs include: litter picking, raking, sweeping, cleaning, tidying, managing the compost heaps and caring for the goats.  We meet whatever the weather!




Foot-Tech is an external provider which runs football clubs for phase 1 (Years 1-3) and Phase 2 (Years 3-6).  The clubs run during the school terms and give the perfect opportunity to keep your children active and healthy whilst participating in a team based activity that helps develop their social and team playing skills.  Foot-Tech also delivers part of our PE curriculum in school and provides sports activities during lunchtimes promoting various types of sport to all pupils. These pupils are able to form positive relationships with the Foot-Tech staff and there is continuity between our curricular and extra curricular offer. This club must be paid for.

For details of how you can sign up to this club please fill out the enquiry form by clicking here




City of Leeds Basketball Club (COLBC) is an external provider which runs basketball club for children across school.  The club runs during the school terms and give the perfect opportunity to keep your children active and healthy whilst participating in a team based activity that helps develop their social and team playing skills.  

COLBC also deliver PE and extra curricular sessions at Allerton High School which is our main feeder school.  In addition to this they offer numerous sessions and camps within the local community.  The benefit of this is our pupils begin their basketball journey at grass roots level at our school and then have plentiful opportunities to follow a performance pathway through to high school and Junior National League programmes. This club must be paid for.  If your child is in years 3 or 4 please click this link to book their place:

Mini Bounce:



Mini Bounce (years 3 and 4)




Bounce (years 5 and 6)







Premier is an external provider who we have selected to offer clubs that offer sports that pupils may not encounter in our PE curriculum.  These clubs are designed to offer enriching opportunities for skill development and wills support many of the Habits of Mind such as persisting and striving for accuracy. These clubs are available to children in KS2 and must be paid for. Currently we offer Tri Golf on Wednesdays 3:15-4:15. The booking Link is here:

On Thursdays children are invited to join in with Ultimate Frisbee.  The booking link for this is here: