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Alwoodley Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Stronger.


Safeguarding and Child Protection


At Alwoodley Primary School we have a team of Safeguarding Leads who work closely together to ensure that our children, and their families are safe. 

Our Child Protection Designated staff in school are:


Miss C Pattenden (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Assistant Head


Miss J Hill (Deputy DSL)

Deputy Head 


Mr G German

Head Teacher


Mrs S Wray

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator


Mrs J. Shaw

Family Support worker


Mr J. Arundale

Senior Inclusion Worker


Our Safeguarding governor is

Ms R. McAvoy



Safeguarding covers all aspects of keeping a child healthy and safe e.g. first aid, educational visits, behaviour, racism, internet safety, security, medical needs.


We have rigorous procedures in place to ensure that all our children are as happy, healthy and safe as possible. If you have any suggestions to improve any aspect of our school please let us know.


Child Protection is part of Safeguarding.

If anyone has any concerns in relation to child protection please contact any member of the safeguarding team. We are easily identifiable as we will be wearing a red lanyard with the words safeguarding team on it. The Governor responsible for Child Protection is Ms. McAvoy who visits school regularly. If we receive information about a child, from anyone, we always contact the parents of the child unless we feel that the child is at immediate risk. We aim to educate and empower children to increasingly take responsibility for their own health and safety.


Domestic Violence

Where there are cases of domestic abuse there are agreed protocols that must be followed. These are;  If a police officer attends a domestic violence and abuse incident, details of all children who reside at the address, including name and D.O.B are obtained. The police officer will establish if a child was present or witnessed the incident.  Details are recorded on an incident log / DASH assessment. Police then inform the Safeguarding Hub of incidents where child was present. This process intends to provide early information to schools where pupils have been present / witnessed an incident of domestic violence and abuse.


If you would like further support or information about domestic violence and abuse please go to

Advice for Children


If someone is hurting you, doing things to you that you don't like or are being mean to you then tell someone. You could tell your parents, your friends, any member of Alwoodley staff or a trusted adult. You should also speak out if you are worried about another child or adult. Remember each classroom also has a 'I wish my teacher would know box' which you can use.


If you don’t wish to speak to someone in school, you have other choices. Both ChildLine and the NSPCC are specially set up for children to ring or use their website.


  • Contact Child Line 0800 1111

This is the childLine website


  • Contact NSPCC 0808 800 5000

This website has lots of useful information


If you are being bullied online, or if you have any concerns about things on the internet, speak to a trusted adult, call the police or use this link:


